Welcome, your have reached the webPage of Mike Calhoun, an independent freelance contractor, during business as Michael’s Scientific Company.

As a freelancer, I have written a variety of materials for upper elementary and middle school science programs, with an emphasis on the physical and life sciences. I was a full time middle/junior high school science teacher at Saint Joseph’s Episcopal School, along with working part time as an independent consultant developing science test items for several assessment-testing firms. In addition, Cyberlab is the e-learning website that I have developed and maintain designed to introduce students to the science protocol of peer review and research reproducibility. Upon entering the site students find a problem solving scenario narrative, then a detailed list of requirements for solving the problem and making a final report for peer review. Links to needed real data are given, as well as links to supplementary study material. I also conduct online science remedial and tutoring programs.

I am familiar with the NRC's National Science Education Standards.  My teaching aids and curriculum material have appeared in "Connect" and "Science Scope" magazines. The following are links to articles I researched and written as well as samples of my science assessment items.

Science In A Bag.com
Connect Magazine
Science & math assessment item samples

Firms that I have developed assessment items for:

Science assessment item editorial work for:

Qualifications include a Master’s degree in science education, post graduate level course work in curriculum development, classroom technology application and interactive web-based e-learning design. I have a thorough understanding of emerging standards, as well as strong organizational and communication skills. I hold State certification to teach comprehensive science K through 12 and chemistry.
My test development skills are enhanced having received formal training as a Psychometrician.

I am proficient in the use of all aspects of computer technology. I can conduct Internet and data base searches and design webPages. I am also competent in the use of Excel, MSoffice along with the use of Windows XP operating systems.

My interpersonal skills include the ability to give presentations, to meet deadlines, and to communicate effectively. Also, I am able to read and write in the Spanish language.

I can be contacted 24/7 by email at mjcalhoun@email.com by Fax at (814) 680-0898 or if you prefer you may use the form below. I'm based in Tampa, Florida.

Email Address: *Required

Contact Request/Comments

Prefessional Organization Membership:
National Science Teachers Association
The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)
The Association of Test  Publishers